Join the journey of 100 days following a Shaman

Join the journey and follow the life of a true traditional indigenous shaman for 100 days. Lets see what will happen in the life of this Shaman! Add your posts and thoughts. Ask your questions as all questions will be answered! Here is your chance to take a peak into the world of a traditional elder shaman! Join the blog!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 40 Is There A Difference Between an Exorcism and A Soul Retrieval

Shall I tell you how many people who have tried and failed at exorcism come to me for help? Oh my goodness, if it is ever a choice between exorcism or soul retrieval, go for soul retrieval if you can find a reputable shaman willing to do it. And there will be a lot of diagnosis before a soul retrieval is done. The good shaman wants to be sure that this soul retrieval will be the answer. I ask my clients a whole ton of questions about them, about their symptoms physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I look for other causes of their symptoms besides soul loss. I consult Creator and my guides and the client's guides. I don't think the priest who does an exorcism is even able to consult with Creator on a one to one basis before he treats his client. I think if he did consult Creator, Creator would teach him to phone up a true shaman! LOL!

So there is no spiritual difference between a soul retrieval and an exorcism. The big difference is the priest makes the being come into this reality through the poor client's body and the shaman risks his or her own life to go to where the being lives and encounter it and heal it there.
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To read my book that contains 44 other questions from students like this one you can buy it for $13.95 at

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 39 How Can I Manifest More Quickly?

Can I tell you the difference between slowly and quickly?
There are actually two things that determine the rate of manifestation. One is whether you have any unconscious blocks holding back what you want to manifest. They are usually non benefitting beliefs that you have ahd for a long time and aren't even aware that they are there anymore. so if you can find them and replace them with benefitting beliefs, things will be able to manifest more quickly.
Second is impeccability. The more impeccable you are with yourself, the faster things manifest. Impeccability means doing your very best each day, each hour, each minute. It does not mean being perfect. No human being is perfect. But getting straight with your life, doing what you need to do as best you can all the time, not being lazy, not procrastinating, being honest with yourself and others.
So keep walking and working with beliefs. Some of my students are now finding that they are manifesting their wishes almost instantly and to their dismay if their wish is for something bad, it manifests just as quickly as a wish for something good. Energy is energy and cares not what you decide to manifest. So the old slogan, be careful what you wish for, you just may get it, is so very true.
Watch your thoughts. Think deliberately. What you think is what will manifest quicker and quicker as you go along in the course I teach at
Shaman Elder Maggie

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 38: What is Shamanic Trance?

Now we are into semantics. Everyone has 50 words for the spiritual world. There is always a miscommunication when it comes to words because what is truly real on the spiritual plane is not easily expressed in English. Did you know that there are 5 spiritual languages as well? Perhaps you have heard someone speaking in tongues one of these spiritual languages. I am sure that they more accurately describe things like possession and channeling than we can in English.

In Shamanic terms: Trance might be the state a shaman enters when he is doing an Inner World journey or connecting to a totem animal. Shamans in South America have an apprentice or helper who sits by his body when he is in trance so that no one mistakes him for being dead and buries him. Good idea! Shamans have been known to stay in this state for weeks.

I know of a Shaman who journeyed to do a healing for a client and while in the Inner Worlds he was distracted, lost his intent and got lost as can happen, inner world beings try to pull you off your intent so they can get you lost and steal your light, chi, energy, grace. He could not find his way back and his body died.
True Shamanic Journeying is not just astral projection or visualization at all. There are only about 50 shamans left in the world today who can truly do a shamanic journey and we are all old and dying out and have spent our whole lives learning how to do this.  That makes sense, too, that it would take a lifetime of practice and study to learn how to do a true traditional shamanic journey.
To learn more about traditional shamanism and the e-course I teach visit
To purchase my new paperback with free shipping for $13.95 visit

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 37 The Raven from My Shaman Grandmother’s Perspective.

The Raven from My Shaman Grandmother’s Perspective.
In my Shaman Grandmother’s tradition the Raven was not a welcome being. The raven was a carrier of death and bad news, a feeder on carrion and feces and so weak that even a mouse coud defeat it. My ancestors felt it was brought here by Creator to be a disrupter, a bringer of chaos, to keep us on our toes and to teach us awareness and make us take our guard. In Siberia there is a place where it is said that the Great Raven, his wife Miti and his family lived and you can see black rocks on the cliffs called the house and pots and pans.
If you think about the raven in the forests of Siberia, my people would take the reindeer into the forests in the winter time to stay out of the cold winds and to hide the reindeer from predators like wolves and hunters. But those pesky ravens might come and alert the wolves to the presence of the reindeer and the  people in the forest. It is not a far leap to then understand why the ancient peoples felt the raven was not a friendly thing. In my grandmothers traditions everything is sentient, living, thinking, feeling and not necessarily only what it looks like on the outside. So every time a raven appeared by the herd of reindeer, so too did the wolf show up and the hunters showed up and all hell broke loose. There was a saying that if a raven flew into your yurt, you might as well just slaughter your whole herd! 
My point is that when we look at ancient legends or superstitions or beliefs we have to try to place our feet into their circumstances, into their way of life and see why they might have believed that to be true. I think if you had grown up as a reindeer herder and spent the winter huddled in a Siberian forest with reindeer as your only means of warmth or food or clothing you might not like the raven so much either! 
The Shaman would sometimes go far away from the tribe and leave prayers and offerings of grain after building a wooden kind of scarecrow man hoping to relegate the raven to that area away from the tribe. So actions were taken by the Shaman to keep the raven from visiting the tribe. I wonder if that is where we got the idea of a scarecrow for keeping the birds away from our fields!
Shaman Elder Maggie
Learn more and sign up today to take Shaman Maggie’s correspondence course.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 36 A student asked me the other day “So why am i tired so much, then? “

You are tired so much for 3 reasons.
1.    1.  Your life is too full of things to do each day. You try to pack more stuff into your to do list than you are capable of doing. Know your limitations and throw out some of the stuff on your to do list. Simplify your life and make sure to create some room for spiritual work and spiritual growth each day. This lifetime is a really short hiccup in the length of your eternal life. Don’t forget that you are an eternal spiritual being having a physical life experience. This life experience is just a vacation for that non manifest self that you will always be so lets make this little vacation a benefit to your eternal self.
2.     You give your energy, your life force, your chi away too easily. You think you are benefitting others by giving them the very life force that Creator gave you to be able to live out a long healthy life here. You are killing yourself by giving away the chi that you need to live on. Everybody was given enough chi to live on. You do not need to give people your chi.
3.     You do not receive fully from Creator. You only let in a little of Creator’s love and Light and blessings and nourishment and then you cut your Source off.
Now you know why you are tired. What are you going to do about it. Answer me that at

Want to learn more? Take the 101 course at

Shaman Elder Maggie

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 35 What about Ouija Boards

 What about Ouija Boards
An Excerpt from “The Shaman Speaks” by Shaman Elder Maggie
All that we see here is only 5% of the total energies around us; the slowest vibrating energies are the ones we can see with our eyes. These beings live in the other 95% we aren't normally aware of. And that 95% is the part that you are contacting with a Ouija Board.

I think it is important to be aware of this scientific fact, to use your own abilities to become aware of all the energies around you and to know that there are high vibration energetic beings who wish to help you and lower vibration energetic beings who care nothing about you, and even lower vibration energetic beings who wish to deplete your energy. This 95% is very much unknown to us in general and needs to be recognized, studied and respected just as we recognize, study and respect those things we see in our physical world. How very limiting of us to assume that what we see is all there is!

We have so much science now to back this up. We know how the moon affects even our emotions! We can't "see" that energy but we all agree it is there. What else is out there affecting us? From a Shaman's point of view, there is so much more here than just what I see with my eyes. Be aware of it, learn about it safely and carefully. I teach about it so people don't go running in headlong like a lemming leaping off a cliff. It is a fascinating study, not taught in too many places yet, but needs to be approached with awareness of the inherent dangers as there are inherent dangers in this physical world all around us. A Ouija Board is an open invitation to the astral world. I don’t recommend their use whatsoever. There are better, safer ways to travel the astral world.
Shaman Elder Maggie

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 35 The Purpose of Emotions

When we are in an emotionally heightened state, we are not in connection with our spiritual self. We let go, we stop being in control of our spiritual self. We cannot achieve a balance when we are emotionally upset. And that is the problem we all have in our daily lives and why I say not to run your life based on your emotions. So many people do just that. Everything they do, every decision the average person makes is based on this question, "how does this make me feel?"
Yikes! What a terrible way to live! Emotions are sensory tools. That's all! Like ears and eyes and noses. Your nose shows you how something smells. Your emotions show you how something feels. Boy if I could just teach this one thing, the world would be better off! I know I digress here but this is so important! I love my emotions. I express them freely. I laugh I cry I experience life and what the world sends me each day but I do not make my decisions based on what I see or smell or feel. I take in all the sensory information and process it together to decide the best course of action for me.
Emotions also have another use as a tool. They are the driving force behind our intentions. Ask me about that. Send me an email to
Shaman Elder Maggie

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 34 What Makes Someone a Healer?

To be a healer means to first realize it within yourself. A good healer understands awareness. She is aware that we each are unique, that there is no right or wrong, but  rather a myriad of stars each with their own body or being. She respects these stars as being all that they are and treasures each one of them no matter how far away they are from her.
She is balanced physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually within herself and fosters the balance of others through her example. When she sees something out of balance she uses her own balance like a gyroscope to nurture balance in other things, be that nature or weather or seasons or plants or animals or people. She acts as a balancing force because she herself is balanced.
 He is aware of his own powers and connection to Creator and fosters that connection at every minute of his life. All good work comes from the inside out. And when he is a bright brilliant light within himself he shines that light for all to see and come and warm themselves in that healing light. In this he begins to heal the Universe!
As you become who you truly are, a unique beautiful star, your light will shine ever so brightly over all of us. Embrace the beauty of each star you see. There are no good stars and bad stars. No judgment is necessary. Just behold, embrace and heal with your love.
Shaman Elder Maggie
 To learn more visit

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 33 Drug Use is Not Shamanism

I do not use psychoactive plants in my practice to enter the spirit domain and I will tell you why.
Right now you can easily join a group of people and take a trek into the jungles of the Amazon to meet with indigenous shamans who will house you and feed you and let you try their hallucinogenic drug to supposedly connect with the spirit world. At great expense, time, money and physical discomfort you will indeed see visions and have a huge hallucination. But your vision will never be what those shamans experience. Why? Because they are from a different culture than you are. They have completely different beliefs and so, since beliefs create reality, their reality is different than yours, therefore what they see is different than what you see and their vision is different from your vision.
They actually know this! So they are not giving away any shamanic secrets or initiating you into their tribe or anything else of the sort. They are making money sharing a plant that is plentiful and they get lots of money and the guests honor them and treat them so special like holy men, well it is all great fun and enjoyable for them. And that is fine.
You will never see or experience what an indigenous shaman experiences with his holy plants. You do not believe what he believes. In our modern western culture we understand psychology, how the brain works mechanically, synapses and brain activity, we know about the left lobe and right lobe and treat depression and disease with modern methods. In our belief system as modern men we have no need for psychoactive drugs to be able to reach our Creator. Creator is not far away and only accessible through priestly ritual to us. These drugs are useless for that purpose to us. Sure you will have an hallucinogenic experience for sure! We know how these drugs interfere with the lobes of the brain and cause an increase in the firing of synapses to cause hallucinations, but to connect with the spirit world? Not for the white modern man, sorry.
I do not use nor recommend any use of drugs for this reason. Make sense?
Shaman Elder Maggie

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 32 Looking for Spiritual Gifts

Did you ever notice how we are given gifts or blessings when some outside force thinks we are ready for them? I remember struggling so hard to learn the 5 spiritual languages. I wanted to learn them so bad and I kept asking and asking to be taught the languages and I could not. No one would come to my aid. It was like I was forbidden from this knowledge. No one would help me. But several years later when I had almost forgotten about it and had been pursuing other spiritual practices and working on being impeccable in other areas, suddenly I was given the gift of a spiritual language! It came out of the blue, wham! I was shocked and delighted and I asked why now and not way  back then, and the answer was that I was not ready way back then.

So this is how we sometimes learn spiritual things. When we are considered ready to learn them. Don't be concerned when you don't have a certain gift or knowledge. Just keep working on being the best you can be in every area. You will get your gift when you are impeccable enough to receive it and wise enough to use it correctly. That is just the way it is.
Ask me anything by sending an email to

Shaman Elder Maggie

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 31 Your Medicine Bag.

Every Shaman through time and space has carried some kind of medicine bag.  I have a very small leather pouch maybe one inch long and 1/2 inch wide on a leather thong strap that I wear around my neck under my clothes. You would have to look hard to see the leather necklace around my neck. No one has ever noticed it or asked about it because I don't show it off or draw attention to it. It is no one's business but mine. You could carry it in your pocket if you could not wear it. But I feel it should be close to your heart, to your essence.
Inside is my own personal medicine as well as medicines I am practiced in using. Select carefully and with guidance what you wear around your neck. You are responsible for each item in your medicine bag. You are charged with the duty to wear them respectfully, to honor their power and to use them only for healing yourself and others with their permission. You become the carrier of their power. That is a big responsibility.
Gather your items slowly. I have been gathering my medicine bag all my life. Right now I am going through a major transition so I have added a piece of moonstone to my medicine bag. You can look up moonstone if you want to know why I have added that.
Your medicine bag says everything about you, who you are, who you are as a healer, how you heal, how powerful you are, who your allies are, what your power is. It becomes a finger print of you, the shaman.
Your medicine bag contains all the power of the items in it. Those items are given to you, not selected by you. It is a holy thing.  It is medicine for you! I make custom medicine bags for people if you ever want me to make one for you. Just go to
Shaman Elder Maggie

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 29: Nourishing Life

Here is a quote from an old Chinese book that might have been exactly what my Shaman ancestor told to that  Buddhist monk because this is what was taught to me.
"In everything pertaining to Nourishing Life, one should listen well but incorporate the essential, look wide but choose the best. One cannot rely on one's bias to a single practice. Moreover, the danger is that those who devote themselves to one of these practices trust only their discipline of choice. Those who are expert in breathing say that one can extend the number of years only through circulation of breath. Those who know the methods for bending and stretching [their body] say that one can avoid aging only through daoyin. Those who know the methods based on herbs and plants say that one can surpass any limit only through medicines and pills. When the path you walk does not bear fruit, it is because of biases like these.
Source: Baopu zi, chapter 6. Translation published in Fabrizio Pregadio, Great Clarity: Daoism and Alchemy in Medieval China, 134-35 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006).
Shaman Elder Maggie

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 28 What A Hopi Healer Taught Me About Ceremony

I can tell you the true story a Hopi healer told me. He spent 7 days preparing for a ceremony. He fasted, he dried certain grasses and prepared certain potions. He made a special altar and really worked strenuously for 7 days to have everything perfect. On the morning of the 7th day he went out at sunrise and began his chanting and singing and prayers and doing all these actions and he went on and on for hours.

But he could not feel his connection with Creator! Here he had done all this work to please Creator and to call upon him and all the Spirits and he felt nothing. But he kept up with the ceremony for hours more and yet he could not feel that connection, that presence of the spirits.

It was getting dark now but he kept going, doing his ceremony over and over with great fervor but nothing.

Finally it was late at night. The whole thing had been a dismal failure. He felt like a failure as a healer. He put away his ceremonials and went to a tree in the forest. He sat down with his back against the tree in the moonlight and he wept bitterly for a long time and then he just cried out, "why didn't you listen to me?"

And he heard a voice say, "You were so full of yourself and your ceremony there was no room for ME to enter! Here by this tree you are doing the most beautiful ceremony and here I am!"

That is what I wish to teach you about ceremony. Ceremony is what you are doing in your heart. Any rituals or step by step instructions for this moon or that feast day or the other holiday might be just for show, not for Creator. The best ceremony is the one you make in your heart.

Shaman Elder Maggie
For more go to

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 27 How to Manifest Your Intentions More Quickly

There are actually two things that determine the rate of manifestation. One is whether you have any unconscious blocks holding back what you want to manifest. They are usually non benefitting beliefs that you have had for a long time and aren't even aware that they are there anymore. So if you can find them and replace them with benefitting beliefs, things will be able to manifest more quickly.

Second is impeccability. The more impeccable you are with yourself, the faster things manifest. Impeccability means doing your very best each day, each hour, each minute. It does not mean being perfect. No human being is perfect. But getting straight with your life, doing what you need to do as best you can all the time, not being lazy, not procrastinating, being honest with yourself and others.

And you are definitely walking in this direction! So keep walking and working with beliefs. Some of my students are now finding that they are manifesting their wishes almost instantly. And to their dismay if their wish is for something bad, it manifests just as quickly as a wish for something good. Energy is energy and cares not what you decide to manifest. So the old slogan, be careful what you wish for, you just may get it, is so very true.

Watch your thoughts. Think deliberately. What you think is what will manifest quicker and quicker as you go along in this course.

Shaman Elder Maggie

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 26 What Is Sacred Space?

When I think of Sacred Space I think  of you! You are a sacred space, a big one if you will recognize it. And you get to bring your sacred space everywhere you go. And you offer your sacred space to others when you are in their presence whether they feel it or not. You are the church, you are the holy ground, you are the embodiment of energy and when you come into contact with other people they are also in contact with this energy. So it is your job to bring the energy of Creator into you and shine it through you wherever you are. You, yourself create a Sacred space wherever you are. Do you doubt it? Then think about it some more. Really realize it.

Those that need to create a Sacred Space by building something or doing some kind of energy work are in my opinion not confident within themselves and their own power to realize that they themselves are the most sacred space.

Now sometimes I feel that I need to wear a certain kind of stone to balance out my Sacred Space when I am feeling sick or tired or just out of balance in some way, or when I am going into a certain situation outside the home, visiting a hospital for example, I take a green stone with me to enhance the heading qualities of my sacred space. Here is where awareness and balance again play such an important part in a shaman's work. Intent too. What is your intention for your sacred space? And what are you doing to your sacred space when you are in a "poor little me" attitude?

"Would this be something you would recommend in an effort to experience daily activity from a higher  perspective?"

Realizing that you are Sacred Space and that you share this sacred space with every other person on the planet, yes, this is a way to experience daily activity from a higher perspective! Aho!

Shaman Elder Maggie