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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Current you Are Not Using

There is a current in this river of life, placed there by Creator and if we allow ourselves to find that flow and go with that flow all good things can be ours.

It is you and your thoughts who deny that current and try to fight with that current and that causes you pain and trouble. 

Your  thought, your ignorant blind belief, that Creator would not care for you enough to put that current into your life,
that is the thought that is causing you harm.

And the opposite of that is the thirst,
the striving,
the desire 
to get yourself into that current.

I know you have felt this current of Creator’s  at times in your life.
 It is there and you know it. 
So why don’t you pursue it?
You know what it feels like when you are in it.
Get to that place again and let that current carry you along into the future.
But you will not be able to observe it at all 
if you are obsessively caught in
the web of your thoughts.

Shaman Elder Maggie

Learn more about how to do this by taking the Shaman Apprenticeship 101 course

I have been teaching Traditional Shamanism for over ten years now and have been counseling people for over 35 years now. I have been walking this path as taught to me by my own Shaman Grandmother for over 55 years now. I think you can tell that I can show you things here that will definitely benefit your life.  Its a win-win for you. But time is running out to begin.

What Are You Doing With Your Energy?

I have been thinking about how people walk around here not even aware of what they doing with their energy. Some people just walk around completely naked energetically somehow believing that nothing is out there to harm them. And then they find bill collectors and enemies coming from all directions physically and wonder why. 

Some people believe that they are in control of everything in their lives and then when they find that they are being assaulted by outside sources because they have been manipulating everything around them, they are surprised and shocked and irritated and angry. 

Some people believe that they have no power and they go around making things happen around them without realizing their power and they wonder why things are happening to them when they believe they have only hid in the mouse hole all this time. They have been affecting the world from that mouse hole just as much as if they were out here with the rest of us! 

The power that the human being wields is strong and dangerous for sure.
To be alive here means that you are wielding this power, every time you make a choice, every time you have a thought every time you intend something. To do this and still believe that you are not affecting yourself , others or the world is simply stupid. 

I am watching a man who believes he can walk in this world like nothing at all would ever affect him personally. He thinks he is immune to the currents of the world because he does not try to use his power deliberately. He thinks he is a tourist here and that nothing will touch him because he has no conscious intentions other than to be a tourist. But to be a human being here already means that you are wielding energy. And this man is seeing his marriage fail, his job suffer, his health is failing, his happiness is shot out the window. He still thinks he is not causing any of these things to happen. I have offered him the bubble of protection and he has refused it because he believes he is not interacting with any energies. 

Do you know people like this?

Shaman Elder Maggie