Day 79 The Whale Story
Imagine that you are a whale. Feel your whale body, your huge size, your rows or straining teeth that gather food as you move through the ocean. Feel your fins and your great tail that directs your path. Now feel the ocean around you; its coolness, your home, your means of finding food and sustaining yourself. Is the ocean moving around you or is it just still? Your food is found in the currents. As you travel the currents you find schools of little fish to eat. You must get into the current to sustain yourself. Now call on Madame Pele to show you the current. Call out to her with your whale song in the night. Listen for your brothers and sisters to call back to you for they have found the current and will show you the way. Go to the current, to your brothers and sisters and swim with them in the current.
Now feel the current increasing around you as you get closer to it. It gets stronger and stronger and starts to carry you along effortlessly. See your brothers and sisters there with you in this current. Schools of fish come streaming by numbered in the thousands. Open your mouth and use your teeth like a sieve to filter in the good food and keep the non edible things away. Fill your belly with the gifts of Madame Pele. You are a hungry whale, a skinny whale as you have been away from the current for the long time. Feed long and heartily and sing your song to your brothers and sisters thanking them for showing you the way. You have found the current where your food your sustenance is located. Feed heartily. Nourish yourself and thrive in this current. Your ride has just begun.
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[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]