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Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 78 The Meaning of Aloha

A = AO

 As a way of living in harmony with yourself and the whole world. Grab your surfboard and take a ride now.
A = AO Light - i, the light of the sun shining down on the islands and on you. In ancient terms the A in Aloha are about awareness: awareness of our place in nature, our loving relationships with our fellow brothers and sisters, our interconnectedness in this web of life. When you have the spirit of Aloha you are like a child in the playgound of love, fully in the moment, fully present to all the goodness and blessings, beauty and joy around you. Paddle out in the beautiful sunlight and get ready for a great wave to come up behind you. Be watching for it as you get a tan with your fellow surfers. You have to be aware!

L = LOKAHI  Oneness. Being in the wave, riding it along with everything else in the wave. The unity of everything and your part in this unity. You can feel this unity on the islands so very strongly. It requires and openess and honesty that children are so famous for. Speaking your truth and respecting the truth of all brings this unity to the forefront. You are moving in this wave and letting it propel you towards the shore lined with palm trees. You can ride freely when you are one with this wave.
O = OIAIO I'O = Truth. Feeling the energy of the wave as strong and true. Recognizing this energy of nature's truth we can learn from it and how to use it in our own lives. There is an honesty that pervades the islands. You can't live there long without facing your own deceptions and dealing with them. This is the spirit of aloha, being truthful with yourself. Do you think you have no power? Do you believe that you can't change your life for the better? Come into this wave of nature, into the territory of Madame Pele and feel truth all around you. It is bound to show you what you can really do if you choose. You ride in your truth and you are better at it than you thought!
H = HA'A HA'A = Humility. And as we ride this great Hawaiian wave of power how can we not feel humble in the immense force pushing our sufrboards towards the shore! We are just little things in this incredible wave of life, love and abundance! 

A = ALOHA Absolute, true love. That beautiful touch of Divine essence permanently installed in each one us.
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[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]