Join the journey of 100 days following a Shaman

Join the journey and follow the life of a true traditional indigenous shaman for 100 days. Lets see what will happen in the life of this Shaman! Add your posts and thoughts. Ask your questions as all questions will be answered! Here is your chance to take a peak into the world of a traditional elder shaman! Join the blog!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 89 Why Study Shamanism?

This is probably the most common question asked today. And you know why so many people ask it? Because we are brought up in a society that does not have Shamanism. Worse than that, we are brought up without community. In the old days we were raised with a strong community around us. We lived together, played together, grew up together and sometimes even died together. We had elders and doctors and teachers and medical advisors right within this strong close knit community.

Part of the work for Shaman elders would be to watch the children and find what each child was strong in. Then that gift or gifts were encouraged and the child grew into whatever came naturally to him or her. It was the community, the elders, the teachers, and the parents who realized the blessings and were happy to help the child be what he or she was meant to be in life.

Today we have no such possibility for ourselves or for our children. For the most part, we are raised to fit into a box; to learn what everyone else learns and to ignore or abandon anything that does not fit into society’s box. It doesn’t have to be this way. We have a choice. It is not too late to look inside and find those special gifts we were born with by studying Traditional Shamanism.

Each of us has one or more gifts buried somewhere inside our spirits. Can you imagine how beautiful this world would be if each of us studied and mastered the gifts we were given? Who would be left sick? Or poor?

Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls is one of America’s most loved elder teachers of Shamanism for today’s modern society. Her classes are always ongoing online and she also offers free initial counseling to anyone who wishes it. Visit her site to learn more at  Online course by email, 16 lessons, study at home in your spare time, unlimited correspondence with a traditional Shaman.  Learn over 20 shamanic tools you can use to heal yourself and others. All for only $135!!! Get Started Today!
Your SPECIAL OFFER today is a wonderful series of healing Audio CDs created by Shaman Elder Maggie spoken in her own voice! There is a large selection of wonderful meditative healing audio recordings make especially for you! The cost is just $9.95 each including shipping and handling! Just Click here to see the selection!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 88 The Charismatic Power of The Way

When you begin to understand that everything here is the Essence of Creator and that you too are the Essence of Creator you will begin to experience a unity with all of creation both manifest and non- manifest. And in this unity that you can grow to experience, you will find you are freed from labeling, greedy passions, and “shoulds”. This opens the Way. Things begin to happen to you. You do not will them to happen, you allow the Essence of Creator to affect you and of course it will affect you in positive ways. You can become empty of ego and align in the Oneness of Creator.
When you are empty of ego you can then wander freely, with the coming and going, become fluid, become your spiritual self. You will then attain Te which is power and virtue.
Make a place inside yourself for your spirit to reside, to live, and it will come of its own will and take up residence within you.
Cease acting through the ego and begin to act through the Spirit. Let Creator instruct your every action.
Force brings the opposite of what you intend. Just allow, accept and receive.
Throw away good and evil, judgment, and stop thinking so much! Follow no path and you will attain the perfect path of Creator.
The Shaman has an internal quality called nei shang that moves her in and out of the world of time and space. She embraces the WAY, a fertile chase full of the Original Energy, the Esssence of Creator called yuan chi. She has a powerful beneficial influence on her surrounding, the charismatic power of the Way, The Path of Creator.
I have much more that I so very much want to teach you but I can only teach you what you can understand today.

To become a student of Traditional Shamanism with Shaman Elder Maggie just go to and begin today!
To get a copy of Shaman Elder Maggie’s new book The Shaman Speaks go here
To contact Shaman Elder Maggie, Email:
To make a donation to Shaman Elder Maggie’s work send your donation through to

[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 87 Package Bombs

So many times we make a choice based on nothing at all. We assume something or we take a chance or we talk ourselves into something or we believe what someone else says. All too often that choice is not a good choice. We choose to believe something with no basis in fact at all, with no foundation, with no real information at all. We let that thing become our reality by choosing to believe in it. It is amazing how sloppily we choose our beliefs and let those beliefs create our reality. A simple distaste for something, a quick decision about how we feel about something, an experience that we didn’t enjoy one time, basically a shot in the dark creates our reality and forms our experiences. How can we be so cavalier with our lives? Is it any wonder that people have dis- ease?

Wouldn’t it be better to not choose anything at all rather than to choose something you know nothing about? Why do we always pick up those mystery packages along our paths? Are we so dissatisfied with what we already have? Yes we are! For most of us, any other package seems more appealing then not having a package at all. We want things. We want diversions and toys and mystery trains and surprises. And what causes this? Desire, dissatisfaction with what we have. After all, what we have now is most likely the result of making choices based on nothing as well. So we go from bad choice to bad choice all our lives. No wonder we have dis-ease.

So how can we end this dis-ease and have a life that does benefit us? By choosing what we believe very carefully. We need to investigate things more thoroughly. We need to consider all choices and their ramifications before we make a choice. We need to be more conscious of what we are doing.  If we have to take days or weeks to understand a situation in order to make a good choice, then take that time because that choice is going to create your reality, maybe even for a long time to come. That package may be a bomb. How are you going to know? By perceiving it. By using your outer and inner senses to perceive that package until you do know what it is. And if you cannot figure out what it is then I suggest you don’t pick it up. Better to walk past fifty pretty packages and not take any of them rather than to pick up one bomb.

To become a student of Traditional Shamanism with Shaman Elder Maggie just go to and begin today!
To get a copy of Shaman Elder Maggie’s new book The Shaman Speaks go here
To contact Shaman Elder Maggie, Email:
To make a donation to Shaman Elder Maggie’s work send your donation through to

[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 86 Rescuing People

We were taught by our parents that we have to do things for other people in order to achieve some kind of self esteem for ourselves. Even if it was to get a beer for dad from the fridge or clean up the dog poop or wash the dishes so mom could sit down and watch TV we were trained from day one to do things for others. If we did good we were rewarded with feelings of love. So we grew up thinking that love was s conditional thing, a barter chip. If you do this I will love you and approve of you. But if you don’t then you are a pile of dog poop and I will withhold my love from you and tell you that you are worthless. Wow! This is what we do to kids! I heard recently that kids hear 300 negative comments about themselves and only 60 positive comments about themselves each day. So we grow up completely out of self esteem and the only way we know to get it is by helping others. But mom and dad are out the picture now. We may have a boyfriend or wife or husband or children now and we do things to help them. Often things they don’t want done! But we also try to help them out of problems or troubles or situations that may cause them suffering.

The fact is that everybody hates change. They don’t’ want to change anything in their lives and then something comes up that no longer benefits them and they know they need to change that thing but they don’t want to change so they start whining and complaining and tell us that they hurt and are suffering and we think it would be good to help them and do something to help them get out of their pain. The truth is they have set into motion the wheels that will cause change to happen in their lives. They have begun the machine that will push them up against the wall and force them to make that change they need to make that will benefit their lives but that they don’t want to make. WE set this machine in motion by our own intention! Its how people get to the point of being able to make a change in their lives. But you see this person suffering and being squeezed and yelling loudly about it and you (or anyone) marches right in there and rescues them from the very machine that was set in motion to benefit their lives! And you keep going in and rescuing them over and over and over, preventing them really from having to make the change that they even know they need to make! Wow!

If you have any friends with teenage kids you can see this machine in action very plainly. The point I am trying to show you here is that we should not rescue people from the very machines they created to force themselves to make a beneficial change in their lives! If people liked change, if people could embrace change, no one would create these machines. But since people hate change, this is what they do. Please don’t try to rescue them from their own machines. Its far kinder to let them go through this experience they chose for themselves and make the change and get on with life. I am sure you can look at your own history and see how many times you created such a machine to force  you to do something you didn’t want to do.

To become a student of Traditional Shamanism with Shaman Elder Maggie just go to and begin today!
To get a copy of Shaman Elder Maggie’s new book The Shaman Speaks go here
To contact Shaman Elder Maggie, Email:
To make a donation to Shaman Elder Maggie’s work send your donation through to

[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 85 After Death, What Then?

In the end, and I know this from experience, you will judge yourself. You will judge whether your belief system was right or wrong. God does not judge. And in some ways that is even more scary than thinking God will judge you. You will judge yourself! At the moment of death we read from others that your life will flash in front of you. I know that it is slightly more than this. I died and left my body and went into the light and I saw my life from another state, from my  buddhic body and I saw everything I had done and everyone whom I had influenced and all the conversations both good and bad and all the experiences and how they influenced me and how I influenced others. I saw what my beliefs did to myself and to others. I instantly knew what beliefs were right and which were wrong and where I got them and who I affected with them.  I saw the reason why things happened as they did from a different perspective. I could see how my words affected the person I spoke to and what actions they took as a result of my words. For example, if you told someone they were good for nothing, you might see the outcome of that person not being able to hold down a job for the rest of their lives.

Another example is when my mother thought she needed to take my child away because I was going to Colorado for a three week vacation and she found that very irresponsible of me. When she died she saw that I truly was going on vacation and that it was good for me and my child to take that vacation and a lot of great bonding happened during that time. So she saw at the moment of her death that she had made a mistake in her actions there because of her belief system. Luckily it had no deleterious effect on anyone except for hurt feelings all around. And I had already forgiven her for that anyway.

So you see everyone you affected for good and bad. And the feeling is immediately one of asking for forgiveness from those you have harmed. We have all harmed other people in our lives. And in that single flash of an eye you may see that those people have indeed forgiven you for harming them already.
And some may have not.

( it is vitally important for us before we leave this planet to forgive everyone who may have harmed us in any manner, for their sakes, not ours. We may leave at any moment so do your forgiving now.)

I was fortunate in that all those I had harmed had already forgiven me and I was free to go on into the Unity with God. We cannot unite with God unless we have this forgiveness. It is the thing which separates us from God. God does not hold us separate. He does not judge us or cause any separation. We do. We judge ourselves and we cause our own separation from full unity in Him.

I also should tell the other side of the coin here. In this same instant you are given the opportunity to see why people did things to you that were harmful or unjust. You finally see the why in someone's actions. You can see the reality they were coming from, their own belief system. My mother was really trying to protect my daughter. In her heart she did what she thought was right and good. And how could I not forgive her instantly knowing why she did what she did. Of course! There was nothing to forgive! She was loving me and my child! I bless her for her love even if it was displayed in a less than perfect way! WE are humans!

So you see all the reasons why things happened to you. Why your Mother didn't love you enough, why you didn't get that job you wanted so much, everything. And in this instant you see and finally understand and forgive those that have hurt you in any way. "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." You suddenly know what you have done and why others did what they did.

It was a life changing experience for  me. No doubt. But it taught me that I will be the judge of myself. It is in this review of your life, what you have done and what others have done to you that you either give forgiveness and receive forgiveness from and to everyone and everything in your life or you refuse to take and give forgiveness. If you refuse to take or give forgiveness, that is your choice and if you refuse to forgive, you can hang around the Lower Worlds until you change your mind. Some souls hang around until the one they can't forgive also passes on and has this experience, sees what really occured at that time. Then and only then when the first soul is sure that the one he can't forgive sees what really happened, that he can finally forgive and they both go into unity. And if you refuse to take forgiveness you can hang around the lower worlds until you change your mind. It is not God who decides. It is your free will choice. God wants unity. God has always offered you complete Union in Him and with Him and through Him and for this I get on my knees and give thanks!

I chose to come back to this world and complete a life here. It was my choice to come back or not. I came back because my little girl was only 3 years old and I was a single Mom and as much as I wanted to go to that union in a total way I also knew that God had given me a gift here and a responsibility to this little girl who I loved so dearly and so I came back.

It is not God who will forgive you for what you believe. God is beyond forgiveness as He can see exactly why you believe what you believe and exactly why you have acted and thought and spoken as you have. He is not into judgment. He is a God of love. It is you who will judge you. It is you who will see that because of a wrong belief you forced your employees to wear red ties. It will be up to you to forgive yourself for that and to ask their forgiveness for making them do that.

In the end what I have learned most is to not judge others. When I looked on my life I saw that the most grievous errors I had made was in judging others. As I judged them, so I was judged by them. These were the hardest things to obtain forgiveness for. I created wrong beliefs for them and now they have lived with wrong beliefs because of me. The worst feeling.

So I do not judge, My God help me not to judge, because I don't want to make that most grievous error.

  If I do not judge others I also don't need to judge myself.

 Sure, I can see my errors and correct them but that is not judgment,  that is being human and taking responsibility for my life.

But if I judge, I am judged and that is the worst. So it is up to me to examine my beliefs and try to maintain good and true beliefs. This is what buddhism is all about. This is the purpose of recapitulation. We have many tools available to us to help us with our beliefs. And basically if you do no harm to yourself or others, if you are living a life free of judgment with a decent belief system that you monitor, and you are impeccable in your thoughts, words and actions, you are preparing yourself for complete union in God and you will find that union right within this living life now and here.

You do not wait till you die to achieve unity with God. It is here and now. Jesus showed us that it is possible for a human being to be in complete unity with God on this planet now. Reach out for it as it is here available to you right now. We are all human! God knows that! He isn't waiting for you to become something else! He isn't waiting. You are waiting. For what?

God is love and there is no judgment in God. There need be no judgment in you. I share this most important thing I have ever learned with you now. It may not make sense to you and I don't expect it  will but I share it with you because it is so important and I think you might begin to see what I am saying. I wish I could share this piece of pure wisdom with everyone but very few can really understand what I am saying. It seems to be something you need to experience for yourself. But by then it is over and you can't come back and try to do better. You now have a piece of my soul knowledge.

And finally, in my teaching, take what works for you and throw the rest away.

Shaman Elder Maggie
To become a student of Traditional Shamanism with Shaman Elder Maggie just go to and begin today!
To get a copy of Shaman Elder Maggie’s new book The Shaman Speaks go here
To contact Shaman Elder Maggie, Email:
To make a donation to Shaman Elder Maggie’s work send your donation through to

[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 84 Healing Audio CDs

New! Personal healing sessions and prayers by a Traditional Elder Shaman for your own specific healing request.

Now for the first time ever, Shaman Elder Maggie will create an audio recording directly to you. It will contain a personal consultation just for you. Whether you suffer from a broken heart or a job loss or depression or sickness of any kind, you can now receive a full audio CD addressed to you and you alone recorded by Shaman Elder Maggie especially for you personally to receive counseling and prayers and even music and mantras that you can listen to anytime you want and play over and over again!
Imagine having your own recording of this Elder Shaman speaking directly to you about your own issues in detail and offering you her healing prayers over and over again every time you listen to your CD! You can sing along with her and pray along with her and receive her Light and Love and encouragement and even specific practices to help yourself reach the level of total health and happiness and abundance!  What a gift!
Perhaps you have a loved one or friend who needs this very special gift of counseling and healing. No one can even get any Traditional Shaman’s time or attention at all for $29.95 and here you will have a personal consultation on CD that you can listen to whenever you want to! Every night before going to bed or every morning when starting your day, you can listen to your own personal CD about your own personal life and be uplifted, inspired, prayed for aloud and receive the courage and joy to tackle another day. Your CD will contain holy sounds and healing words, energy from Creator for your own total healing. Daily listening will bring you total healing so quickly! Now you can have your own counseling session with the power of Creator infused into it to use over and over again for the incredibly low cost of $29.99. This is offered at such a low cost because Shaman Elder Maggie never charges for healing. The cost is what it would cost in time to produce this audio CD to pay for the materials and studio time and to mail it to you with free shipping. Shaman Elder Maggie is not looking to make any money for herself. This is totally her heart felt desire to see you healed and whole and happy. Take advantage of this gift now as she will only be offering these individual customized recordings for a limited time. Each is made specifically for the individual client.  Just click here to order your healing CD now.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 83 FREE God Course

A FREE course for you to learn the Shamanic truth about Source, Creator, God.
Who Is God?
 What is Creator doing and why isn’t Creator helping you in your life today?
 Is Source just a fiction someone made up for us?
 Find out the Shamanic View of who and what God is and how you can use this information And the practices given in each lesson
To better your own life,
 To bring more abundance into your life
To find more happiness and joy in your life
To create better relationships with others
To learn how to help yourself heal
To see the big picture and why we are here in the first place

We have all been taught conflicting things about Creator. But in this course I give you the truth for the 21st Century. I think we have grown beyond needing a priest or pastor or monk or religious leader in our lives. I think we have come to the place where each of us can clearly be in charge of our own relationship with God in our own way. And here are the facts and practices you can use right now to develop your own relationship with the Source of all good things. These abilities have already been yours. But others have taught you to believe that you cannot go here, that you cannot do this. But I am giving you here, for FREE, the tools and skills and knowledge that as been withheld from you by outside authority figures. I want to see you standing in your own power and making your own choices and living a beautiful abundant life. By taking this Free E-course and learning about God you will find many ways to make your life happy and free and strong and good, for yourself and for others, too!  Invite your friends and family to take this course along with you as well.

This course is based on Shamanic wisdom taught throughout the ages. Take the time to read one short lesson each week for 10 weeks and to try the practices offered here. Just reading this course will change your life. I give this course to you because I want to see this world move up to the next level of spirituality for the 21st century and now is the time for each of us to take authority for our own lives and our own understanding and relationship with Creator God Source individually.
To become a student of Traditional Shamanism with Shaman Elder Maggie just go to and begin today!
To get a copy of Shaman Elder Maggie’s new book The Shaman Speaks go here
To contact Shaman Elder Maggie, Email:
To make a donation to Shaman Elder Maggie’s work send your donation through to

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dau 82 Power Songs

Day 82  Power Songs
I am posting a lesson here on the blog this time for those of you who are interested in learning more. This is a subject that is not really covered in the course and so I feel this might be a good place to learn this talent. All Shamans have several power songs because the vibration of the notes in the voice and in the fourth chakra of the throat stimulate sympathetic vibrations in the universe to respond. Power songs are used in preparation for journeying and can also be used in healing or even when offering Reiki.
To demonstrate the power of voice and musical notes I would like to you try this exercise.
The fourth chakra is the note FA as in Do Re Me FA. Find a piano and discover the sound of this note if possible. Or find your own closest approximation to it. It is important to find the sound of FA.  The middle key on the piano is middle C go up four notes to F.
The fourth note or sound of FA is also the note of manifestation or creation upon this planet. So if we want to manifest healing, for example, we can send our intention out upon the note FA into the universe and healing will resonate with our voice of FA and become manifest where we are intending. It really is that simple.
Don't try to complicate it like so many others have. This little simple secret is one that some people have paid thousands of dollars for. Some people have made millions creating musical tapes based on the sound of Fa, subliminal, holosync tapes that offer healing are based on the sound FA. But now you know how to do it yourself.
The visual symbol for the universe made manifest is the square. This symbolizes the power of thought and vibration become solid and material in this apparent world. So lets combine the sound of Fa with the visualization of a square.
Get yourself someplace comfortable where you will not be disturbed for a while. Close your eyes and visualize a square. Intone the sound FA and watch the square and see what image appears there. Let me know what you see.
I often get to dancing and rattling while I intone my power song and bring my whole body into the act of intending a healing for someone. The more feeling you put into it, the stronger the vibration.Have you ever listened to a native american song? There is usually one major tone for the song, isn't there! Now you know why!
As a final thought, each note in the scale represents a unique vibratory pattern in the universe. You could do a study to find those out if you would like to know more about sound. So you see the need for your own power song. Create one this week. it is usually just a line or two repeated over and over. You can use words or vowels or an imaginary language. As long as you create it with FA as your base and emotion and intent, it will be perfect. Power songs are usually kept private and seldom sung in public. The only time they are sung in public is when a group of Shamans have gathered to do a combined healing. It is your prayer to the universe.
To become a student of Traditional Shamanism with Shaman Elder Maggie just go to and begin today!
To get a copy of Shaman Elder Maggie’s new book The Shaman Speaks go here
To contact Shaman Elder Maggie, Email:
To make a donation to Shaman Elder Maggie’s work send your donation through to

[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 81 My 55th Year Practicing Traditional Shamanism

In the day to day existence we struggle through, sometimes it feels as if we get no where. We try so hard just to stay afloat in this sea of hunger, panic, need and competition. It is an amazingly hard thing to keep one’s sanity and some sense of calm and peace when we are swirling around in other people’s demands and expectations.
As I celebrate my 55th year as a Traditional Shaman, I have surely seen much and experienced for myself this sense of trying to have a life that seemed to never be allowed in peace. I have worked with all kinds of people and have brought what help I could to each and every person who asked for healing. I have taught people the ways of healing in many forms, the way each person could most resonate to their own gifts for healing others. But I tell you, I have the feeling that I am trying to do heart surgery on a kitchen table.
Sometimes we throw our hands up and say, “I just can’t do it anymore!”, but no one hears us, the wind does not die down, we continue being buffeted, pushed this way and that. No matter how we try, how we manipulate, direct, avoid, manhandle, negotiate, cry, scream, or medicate, it does not stop. Is this all that life is?
Now is the time to step right into the middle of this hurricane. Get out of the howling wind and walk into the eye. Stop trying to do surgery on the kitchen table. Stop struggling to do the impossible. Walk into the most fearsome place of the hurricane, right into the eye and stand still there for a minute. The wind has stopped. There is no noise, no person, no conflict, no positive, no negative, no goals, no rewards, no expectations. Stand there for a minute. This place is even more scary than your overwhelming life. You can feel the fear in your chest here, you can feel it in your head and spine, you can feel fear physically here and can hardly bear to be here for one second. The quiet is deafening. The lack of movement is unbearable. But stay here as long as you can. Stay here for a few more moments. Listen.
Try to hear the ocean waves as they reach the shore. Are they crashing in or gently lapping the beach? Can you hear seagulls calling from the sky? Is it day or night? Become aware of what is here in this quiet place. You have come full circle back to nature. Nature who bore you in the beginning, who carries you through life although you are barely aware of her and nature who takes you back when your overwhelming life is through. Is it any wonder that all the mystical, magical practices of healers and Shamans throughout history are connected to nature. Be with the seashore and seagulls for a moment. They demand nothing of you. They are you.
Who are you here? Do you feel little and insignificant?  You cannot do heart surgery with a butter knife. You feel you cannot do anything. You are so helpless really. And all that you do is just a terrible effort with so little benefit. You are tired. You want to let go. And in this place, the center of the eye of your life, right here, right now, in this most scary place, let go. Just be here. Watch the winds howling around you. Flying people and chairs and buildings and expectations and responsibilities can be seen whirling around you. But you stand in the eye where the wind is still and you are untouched by those things for just a moment.  Let the fear subside. You are still.This is the place where healing begins. This is the place I teach about. It is different for each one of us but we all have this place. As we get over being scared of it, of being in the eye of the storm we can find our true self here. But most people are too scared to stand here for any length of time at all.  For most, it is easier to be swallowed up in the storm than it is to step out of the storm and see your own smallness, your own insignificance. But in this very place, this insignificance, lies your peace and your ability to heal.
Some people call this place, this eye of the storm where you are small and little, God, Allah, Spirit, At-One-Ment. And because they believe it is the place of God they find the courage to stand here and not be too, too scared. And if we stand here long enough to get comfortable with this trueness of ourselves we can find the peace and love that is here, has always been here waiting to love us and heal us and give us peace. In fact, if we can spend more of each minute in this place, more of each hour, more of each day, we find that we too can find a way to heal ourselves and to heal others. We find the power of the Spirit is here, in this hurricane’s eye and this power has always been here with us; the power to heal, to love, to be happy, to be at peace. It is not of this earthly world. It is inside the center of each of us.
This is what I teach. Each of us is unique and each person that I teach to heal learns in a unique way. But I am here to help you draw back the curtain and expose the truth about your own self. You are powerful. You are the most powerful person on earth. You have the power to be happy, to let go, to be at peace right now within you. And you have the power to heal.
Fifty five years of my life have been dedicated to Traditional Shamanism and teaching healing. I have studied all over the world with teachers and healers from so many walks of life. And every one of those wise masters will tell you about the place in the center of the storm we must learn to find and stand in to realize those most precious gifts we are all given.  It is from this place that much more than heart surgery can be done on much less than a kitchen table. If you are ready to find your gifts and share with them with those you love, those you care about, those who need you, I am honored to show you how.
For 55 years of service to you my brothers and sisters I am truly grateful! I honor you for showing me the way.
To become a student of Traditional Shamanism with Shaman Elder Maggie just go to and begin today!
To get a copy of Shaman Elder Maggie’s new book The Shaman Speaks go here
To contact Shaman Elder Maggie, Email:
To make a donation to Shaman Elder Maggie’s work send your donation through to

[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 80 Chakras

Hiroshi Motoyama gave us the first scientific evidence of chakras when he placed an electromyograph on the body's chakra locations and detected regular high frequency signals coming from the chakra points. He then created a device to measure photon emission and again measured the chakras to find that chakras emit photons and the more "awakened" a chakra is, the more photons it emits. Motoyama also found that by concentrating the mind on a certain chakra one can dramatically increase the  level of photons being emitted. Chakras are transducers of higher dimensional energies and can be measured in a physical way.
According to William Collinge, chakras spin in 2 ways simultaneously, both clockwise and counterclockwise. It is hard for us to see two whirlpools of water spinning in opposite directions in the same place at the same time but that is how William sees it.
According to Hector Ramos there should be a balance between these two spinning actions. The clockwise direction is the chakra receiving energy and the counter clockwise is the chakra emitting energy. Various factors set our charkas off balance, either giving out too much energy or recewiving too much energy, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual factors.
There are also some who call this imbalance an opening or closing  of the chakra such as open minded, close minded, open hearted, closed hearted, so if a chakra is imbalanced, some call that chakra closed. I don't like the term closed or open because they don't really close or open but rather spin off kilter.
Some schools teach that you open a chakra when you use it to give and you close it when you are done giving, but I do not resonate with this teaching. To each his own. Since it is believed that a chakra is an oscillator with its own frequency , a sound frequency can be used to balance each chakra using the scientific concept of sympathetic vibration which means that if you listen to or intone the the note or vibration a chakra would emit when in balance you can raise your own chakra to vibrate at the frequency. Ohm is considered the the original sound of the unfolding universe. If you spend just a few minutes intoning the word ohm or aum in any note on the scale you will feel your chakras lining up with that chant to some degree. The Schuman Response is a vibration of frequency found to promote balance and healing in everyone. You might want to do a study in this.
The study of chakras is a long one and not necessarily considered important in many Shamanic communities only because they had no conception of internal electromagnetic energy systems. Science has taken North America a long way in the study of the body's energy. Yet Shamans all over the world did recognize the necessity of balance in the 7 body system. They all teach that balance is imperative for you to live a life without being a weeble that constantly wobbles.
To become a student of Traditional Shamanism with Shaman Elder Maggie just go to and begin today!
To get a copy of Shaman Elder Maggie’s new book The Shaman Speaks go here
To contact Shaman Elder Maggie, Email:
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[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 79 The Whale Story

Day 79 The Whale Story
Imagine that you are a whale. Feel your whale body, your huge size, your rows or straining teeth that gather food as you move through the ocean. Feel your fins and your great tail that directs your path. Now feel the ocean around you; its coolness, your home, your means of finding food and sustaining yourself. Is the ocean moving around you or is it just still? Your food is found in the currents. As you travel the currents you find schools of little fish to eat. You must get into the current to sustain yourself. Now call on Madame Pele to show you the current. Call out to her with your whale song in the night. Listen for your brothers and sisters to call back to you for they have found the current and will show you the way. Go to the current, to your brothers and sisters and swim with them in the current.

Now feel the current increasing around you as you get closer to it. It gets stronger and stronger and starts to carry you along effortlessly. See your brothers and sisters there with you in this current. Schools of fish come streaming by numbered in the thousands. Open your mouth and use your teeth like a sieve to filter in the good food and keep the non edible things away. Fill your belly with the gifts of Madame Pele. You are a hungry whale, a skinny whale as you have been away from the current for the long time. Feed long and heartily and sing your song to your brothers and sisters thanking them for showing you the way. You have found the current where your food your sustenance is located. Feed heartily. Nourish yourself and thrive in this current. Your ride has just begun.

To become a student of Traditional Shamanism with Shaman Elder Maggie just go to and begin today!
To get a copy of Shaman Elder Maggie’s new book The Shaman Speaks go here
To contact Shaman Elder Maggie, Email:
To make a donation to Shaman Elder Maggie’s work send your donation through to

[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 78 The Meaning of Aloha

A = AO

 As a way of living in harmony with yourself and the whole world. Grab your surfboard and take a ride now.
A = AO Light - i, the light of the sun shining down on the islands and on you. In ancient terms the A in Aloha are about awareness: awareness of our place in nature, our loving relationships with our fellow brothers and sisters, our interconnectedness in this web of life. When you have the spirit of Aloha you are like a child in the playgound of love, fully in the moment, fully present to all the goodness and blessings, beauty and joy around you. Paddle out in the beautiful sunlight and get ready for a great wave to come up behind you. Be watching for it as you get a tan with your fellow surfers. You have to be aware!

L = LOKAHI  Oneness. Being in the wave, riding it along with everything else in the wave. The unity of everything and your part in this unity. You can feel this unity on the islands so very strongly. It requires and openess and honesty that children are so famous for. Speaking your truth and respecting the truth of all brings this unity to the forefront. You are moving in this wave and letting it propel you towards the shore lined with palm trees. You can ride freely when you are one with this wave.
O = OIAIO I'O = Truth. Feeling the energy of the wave as strong and true. Recognizing this energy of nature's truth we can learn from it and how to use it in our own lives. There is an honesty that pervades the islands. You can't live there long without facing your own deceptions and dealing with them. This is the spirit of aloha, being truthful with yourself. Do you think you have no power? Do you believe that you can't change your life for the better? Come into this wave of nature, into the territory of Madame Pele and feel truth all around you. It is bound to show you what you can really do if you choose. You ride in your truth and you are better at it than you thought!
H = HA'A HA'A = Humility. And as we ride this great Hawaiian wave of power how can we not feel humble in the immense force pushing our sufrboards towards the shore! We are just little things in this incredible wave of life, love and abundance! 

A = ALOHA Absolute, true love. That beautiful touch of Divine essence permanently installed in each one us.
To become a student of Traditional Shamanism with Shaman Elder Maggie just go to and begin today!
To get a copy of Shaman Elder Maggie’s new book The Shaman Speaks go here
To contact Shaman Elder Maggie, Email:
To make a donation to Shaman Elder Maggie’s work send your donation through to

[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 77 Is There Evil in The World?

If you decide something is negative, then it is. If you decide something is positive, then it is. If you want to believe in good versus bad, then you decide you will, and it exists. But when you get beyond negative and positive, now you are deciding to have neither good nor bad and now you are getting to a real place! The Hawaiian Huna teachings say that you are responsible for everything that happens to you. And that is what I am saying, too. You create your own reality. It will be as good or as bad as you choose. So if you can get beyond good and bad you can reach God, At-One-ment, Enlightenment.
To become a student of Traditional Shamanism with Shaman Elder Maggie just go to and begin today!
To get a copy of Shaman Elder Maggie’s new book The Shaman Speaks go here
To contact Shaman Elder Maggie, Email:
To make a donation to Shaman Elder Maggie’s work send your donation through to

[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 76 Above and Below Exercise

I have something that might work for you. Try this little exercise
 and then write your answers to the questions in your email reply to
 Diagnosis One. Above and Below
1.  Sit down. Find room enough to draw a circle around yourself out
 the length of your arms. So you are probably sitting on the ground.

2. Take a deep breath. Take several. Calm yourself and balance yourself.

 3. Think of one color. Quick! Put that color inside your circle. What
 color is it?

4. Think of one bird that most represents you. The bird you most like or
 identify with. Imagine that bird flying around your head in this circle.
 What bird is it?

 5. Imagine one animal you have always identified with. Imagine him
 standing beside you. What animal is it?

 6. Imagine one plant that you have always liked. See a whole field of
 this plant growing all around you. You are sitting in a field of your
 favorite flowers. What flowers are these?

 How do you feel right now? Breathe. Just take this in and breathe.
 Center yourself.

 OK now look again at the bird flying around over your head. Invite this bird into your heart. Does it come in easily or does it hesitate? Is it happy  or sad? What emotion does the bird have?

 Now look at the animal standing beside you. Invite this animal into your heart. Does it come in with joy, anger, does it hesitate, does it refuse? What emotion does it have?
 Is it happy or sad or angry? Does it say anything to you?
 Now look at the field of flowers. Are they well and growing great? Just
 budding? Withering? How do they feel emotionally?  Look at their roots?
 Are they long and strong or weak?

Now lie back in the field of flowers. Actually lie down for this moment
 on the place you have been sitting. Just stretch out for a moment and
 visualize that field of flowers all around you. No matter whether they
 look good or bad, thriving or wilting. Just be with them for a minute.
 How do they make you feel?
 When you are ready, this exercise is done. Please send me your answers to and I will tell you about your spiritual health. 
To become a student of Traditional Shamanism with Shaman Elder Maggie just go to and begin today!
To get a copy of Shaman Elder Maggie’s new book The Shaman Speaks go here
To contact Shaman Elder Maggie, Email:
To make a donation to Shaman Elder Maggie’s work send your donation through to

[All work by Shaman Elder Maggie is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact for permission.]