Join the journey of 100 days following a Shaman

Join the journey and follow the life of a true traditional indigenous shaman for 100 days. Lets see what will happen in the life of this Shaman! Add your posts and thoughts. Ask your questions as all questions will be answered! Here is your chance to take a peak into the world of a traditional elder shaman! Join the blog!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Groping in the Dark

How many people say they are seeking the Light! And no doubt they are sincere; they have understood that it is better to be in the Light than in darkness. But they want a light that demands no effort, and they never pause to do any in-depth work. They go from one book to another, from one spiritual teacher to another – that is what they call seeking the Light.

And now that new spiritual movements are continually appearing and there are attempts to revive the initiations of the past with new ‘initiations’ joining them, people will continue to shop around. Yes, they wander around, drift about, always missing what could help them. And so, in spite of seeking the Light, they arrive at the end of their life still groping in the dark.

My shaman grandmother taught that it is better to pick one path and follow it diligently to its end no matter what. All spiritual paths lead to the same destination.

I am offering you the opportunity to learn about the path that my shaman grandmother traveled and that I have traveled for over 55 years. 
 I am thrilled to let you know that we now have available an Introduction to Traditional Shamanism course for those who do not want to commit to an apprenticeship but want to understand what Traditional Shamanism is and learn a few of the tools and skills that my ancestors practiced and my own Shaman Grandmother taught to me. Each lesson consists of a short teaching and a skill to practice. You can read more about it here

Stressed Worried? A solution is here now.

As a Traditional Shaman, the role of Shaman Maggie is the same as all Shamans of ancient times; to protect people, to nurture people, to bring healing to people, to spiritually feed people, to support people, to defend people. And in these chaotic times of 2012 we are all beginning to see the effects of what has been predicted for 2012 through the ages.  Shaman Maggie is not a prophet but is here to help people and guide people and keep people safe during this year as the winds of chaos are stirring and rising and in what will eventually become a storm of chaos and hazards. 

She recognizes her responsibility to the people of this earth and is providing a shelter from the storm for anyone who wants that kind of powerful traditional shamanic protection and defense that she has spent 55 years learning to master as her own family elders have taught her to do. She feels that this is her mission, why she is alive at this time in history, to help each person find safety and protection and to learn how to manage their lives individually to sail through this stormy year of global change and uncertainly in safety.  She stated,” Any True Shaman responds to the needs of the people in all ways, financially, emotionally, spiritually. My job is to offer healing and protection to all who are feeling the stress and anxiety now blowing into the world like a giant wind storm. It’s not a question of whether the predictors were right about  2012; it’s about how well will you survive the storm.”

Shaman Elder Maggie is offering free email correspondence and guidance to anyone who would like her help to overcome fear, worry, frustration and would like to take advantage of the kind of protection that the Shamans who taught her could bring to their own communities. She is establishing a community for you energetically, an actual energetic place where you can feel safe and find some peace from the howling winds that you are feeling in your life right now. She offers this for FREE. You can receive her blessings and positive influence in your personal life right now by going to

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What Can A Traditional Shaman Do For You?

What Can  a Traditional Shaman Do For You?

In ancient times, a traditional shaman was hired by a tribe or community to help restore health, to ward off evil, to defend the people from attack by enemies, to bring good weather, to birth or bury and in general to keep that tribe or community in line with abundance and prosperity in every way. If the Shaman did a good job and was successful at this, the tribe would reward that Shaman with the best dwelling, the best clothes, the best food, a high ranking of honor and more. If the Shaman that was hired did not do all this very well, he was thrown out of the community and had no food, no dwelling, no honor and certainly would not find work with any other tribe or community either.  So nobody would dare pretend to be a Shaman. It was a difficult and risky job and only a very few were able to withstand the years of apprenticeship with elder Shamans to learn how to do these things successfully. In fact it was not even a job that anyone wanted to have. The odds of being killed if you could not bring peace and healing and good weather were very high indeed. When a whole community depends on you to keep them healthy and then someone gets sick, your life would be on the line. Young people today should realize that calling yourself a Shaman means you are able to do these things for a community and is not just a comic book title with no responsibility at all.  Shamanism is not faith healing.  Shamanism is not just about journeying either. 

Shaman Elder Maggie has spent 58 years learning how to bring healing, good weather, abundance and protection to people. But today, communities no longer hire Shamans. So Shaman Elder Maggie has to work for individuals hoping to find her own livelihood and sustenance from her successful work on their behalf case by case, much like an independent contractor or counselor would. So what are some of the things that Shaman Elder Maggie can do for a person? 

- teach you how to remove fear based thinking and come into alignment with your higher self.

- show you how to find your purpose.

- bring you all kinds of abundance as long as your intentions are in alignment with Creators intentions for you. 

- teach you impeccability.

- align the forces of your reality to bring you health. ( Sometimes this requires a dialogue to produce.)

- create a strong connection for you between you and your Source. 

- help you enjoy your job, or if you are looking for work she can help you behind the scenes to find a job that you will love. 

- help you in your relationships with those people in your life. 

Here is what some people have written about the help they got from Shaman Elder Maggie:

“You are in some way, connecting me to something deep within myself, a stirring passion, need, or just maybe my power, but I feel it is more than that. Anyhow, I am deeply grateful, I am starting to open my eyes.”

“I am grateful for you and all the work we have done together.   I am grateful I can see, grateful I now know I am deserving of only loving happy helpful vibrant energies in my life.  Worry is removed and replace with the peace of knowing WHO I AM!”

“Thank you for all that you do behind the scenes to provide healing to me.  My life has improved dramatically- even from 2 months ago.”

“I must say that following your course in the past few months has been life-changing for me.  For the first time since my twenties I don't have constant anxiety, I am off my medication and I am balancing myself - this is truly wonderful.  Thank you!”

“I must tell you, when my brother was fighting cancer I wrote to you and asked if you could help him and you said yes and you sent him a medicine bag.  He has carried the medicine bag with him everyday since he received it and he has been cancer free ever since.”

“I am thankful to you the guides and Creator for turning my life around completely from hard to easy.  I will practice making my life easier for the rest of my life!”

“I just found out I got the job! I start Monday. I cannot tell you how life can change in an instant when you are happy and love yourself! It pays 2 dollars more an hour! Thank you.”

“My doctor was completely amazed today.  I went for my yearly physical.  I told him I'm off all my meds.  My blood pressure is 120/80, and I'm not a nervous wreck anymore.  He kept asking me, "Are you SURE you're not on any meds.  You seem much calmer now -- more in control."  That's because of you. “

You can tell a good Shaman by what his or her clients have to say about them. Their deeds tell the truth.
How does Shaman Maggie do these things for people? Primarily through her courses as she teaches each student individually and they get that chance to really work with her to benefit their lives. The courses provide unlimited dialogue by email and through these emails the student shares his or her life with Shaman Maggie who then works behind the scenes shamanically for their benefit. Also she offers counseling by phone call and that too is a way to discuss problems and issues that Shaman Maggie can then work to improve for that person. Shaman Maggie also offers free email counseling to anyone at all. 

Shaman Elder Maggie is a Traditional Shaman seriously dedicated to the energetic upliftment of the world and feels that this happens one person at a time. She is in love with humanity and does this not for herself but for your sake. She wants to see you standing fully in your own power, enjoying this adventure called life. You can hire her to work for you and your life and she can produce those achievements for you as the old Shamans did.
You can learn how to contact her or sign up for her counseling or courses at

Friday, June 15, 2012

Hope Is Not Enough: 2012 Predictions

When its the middle of the night , and the wind is screaming through the rigging at 45 knots, and the boat is keeled over 30 degrees, and the seas are running high against you, and water is breaking on deck, and you are all alone... and there is white water and black death on the lee shore... and everything is confusion, and noise, and icy fear that approaches absolute terror... and you feel that the possibility of death is no longer remote, but very real...., and very near....

Then, you have best know what you are doing,

Hope, will not take you off that boat.

Please receive my blessings for your life at this time when the changes of 2012 are starting to make your life speed up and you find yourself so busy that you are not taking time to take care of yourself and control your life very well anymore. Here we see the first signs of the prophecies of 2012 coming true!  I can teach you how to master your ship in this time of high winds and future storms so you can safely sail to your dreams and achievements without sinking your boat. The times- they are a changing! Let me help you prepare as my ancestors and elders, the Traditional Shamans knew how to do, as I know how to do.  Aho _ I speak my truth.

"What I do, I do for you, not for myself. I am already dead." to become an apprentice under Shaman Maggie's mentorship. Three ways to benefit now. Read more here.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The 2012 Prophecies are Manifesting Now

Have you noticed how things are speeding up in everyone’s lives now? This is all part of the prophecies about 2012. This speeding up, what I call “a wind” is beginning to blow more and more and people are finding themselves very busy and almost overwhelmed with too much to do and not enough time to do it. This trend can be seen everywhere on the planet right now and it has been steadily and slowly increasing since the beginning of the new year.

I want to teach people how to handle it without being harmed. So think of yourself on a big ship as captain of that 18 sail ship. And out on the sea you notice the winds are picking up. I think by the end of the year it might even be a gale wind. So as a sailor you know that in order to keep your boat from capsizing you have to let down some of your sails. You don’t need all 18 sails to sail the ship. In fact you might travel faster in this heavy wind by using only a few sails that you can get good control over and be able to steer your ship effectively instead of trying to wrangle all your sails and not being able to really control the boat at all.

So now is the time to begin taking down some of those sails so you can take advantage of this wind and go very fast and easily to your destination. The wind itself is not a bad thing. But if you have up too many sails it can overwhelm you and sink your boat.

What are your sails in this allegory? They are your commitments, those things you are invested in that you have to do every day or accomplish on a routine basis. They are the achievements that you own, your obligations, your dreams, the things you invest your time and energy into each day. So what we are saying here is that you have to let go of some of those tasks and obligations you own. You have to take down the sails you carry for other people and simplify your ship down to just a few sails that you can control and manage and sail with easily. If you do this you will make fast progress in your life towards those goals. So it can be a good thing. But most people have up too many sails right now. And you know it. You might feel over booked, over burdened, over obligated- even to yourself. Try to figure out what you don’t need to be giving your time and energy to right now and let those sails down . You can put them back up later when the winds have died down.

I hope this teaching helps you to find your power and be able to control your ship better. Please ask me any questions you might have about this wind that is steadily increasing for all of us as part of the 2012 world change that is taking place right now.

Shaman Elder Maggie

I have just created a new course I think would be perfect for you! It is called an Introduction to Traditional Shamanism. It has 6 lessons delivered by email, one each week, with a short teaching and an exercise to practice like the bubble of protection in lesson one. The cost is just $45. And includes a half hour phone call with me! You can read about it and see what each lesson contains here,
Everyone can benefit from learning some ancient tools and skills that my elders used to heal themselves and others. I want to share some with you in this easy Intro course.
Begin Today!