Join the journey of 100 days following a Shaman

Join the journey and follow the life of a true traditional indigenous shaman for 100 days. Lets see what will happen in the life of this Shaman! Add your posts and thoughts. Ask your questions as all questions will be answered! Here is your chance to take a peak into the world of a traditional elder shaman! Join the blog!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 25:How Relationships Work According to Traditional Shamanism

Here is how it goes according to my own shamanic lineage- some good common sense for all of us. When two people merge and make a commitment it is like this. Every person has their own path to walk. Sometimes we meet people who cross our path and we enjoy their friendship for a time while our paths are close together but then we move away from each other as our paths continue on their way. This is natural, right and good! Sometimes we meet someone whose path runs parallel to ours for a while and then curves off slowly in another direction. Sometimes we meet people whose path runs parallel to ours and we can walk to gather hand in hand for decades. Sometimes one person jumps off their path and starts to walk the other person's path instead. Many women have devoted 40 years to the path of their husband and then when he passes over they write me crying that they realize they have not walked one step on their path in forty years and how can they find it now and how can they catch up to where they should be. How sad! Women give up their own paths more easily than men and that is a cultural thing as women were taught to do this.

Anybody can be guilty of seducing a person to come walk their path for them or with them. No one likes to walk their path alone.  So people are always looking for someone who is willing to abandon their own path and come walk the path of another. But it is not fulfilling for either person. The one asking for help does not get the help he or she is looking for because no one can walk your path except you. They think they will get farther ahead, that it will make the path easier and usually does physically but it actually just delays any forward progress. The user ends up sitting in a proverbial wheelchair on his path while the partner does all the pushing. They don't move forward as well as if the person would just walk on his own two feet- and the pusher is angry about pushing and the user is angry because the pusher of the wheelchair is not pushing fast enough... Well it does not work.

And to walk the path of someone else is completely ignoring your own path and you will feel that hole in your spirit no matter how you try to cover it up and say you are sacrificing your path for the sake of someone else. Doesn't work. Mother Theresa helped thousands of people exactly BY walking her own path! She did not give up anything. She did not suffer for someone else's sake! She walked her path with courage and joy!
For a free consultation with Shaman Elder Maggie Just send an email to

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 24: How Much Time Do You Have?

The Yaqui people of Mexico tell us about four things that are enemies of the Shaman and the fourth one is - that by the time we find the knowledge we seek and the empowerment we need, we are too old to do anything with it. And I find that to be true. So how much time do you have? The Yaquis also tell us that death walks by our left side all the time, close enough to reach out and touch us at any moment. Rather than fear what will indeed happen to all of us, the Shaman learns to walk in this knowledge that he may not be here tomorrow. And so he makes all he can out of today. It is called impeccability. Being all you can be, doing all you can do, loving all you can love and walking as far as you can walk each day.
Read more at Want to know the other three things that are enemies of the Shaman? Write me an email!
Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 23 Too Busy for Your Spiritual Path In Life?

A call to Traditional Shamanism is a haunting thing. Some people who are called to Traditional Shamanism studies actually suffer physical maladies which are words from Spirit to prod one to the path they belong on. The other side of the picture is a force that tries to prevent one from finding one's path. In everything there are two poles. It is a universal law. So you feel the tug to learn your path and also the tug to be too busy to learn.

I have found that for those students that try to maintain both things there is no peace. Being too busy indicates that you are hiding from your path. And the usual way we hide from our path is to be busy trying to help others on their paths. But living our lives for others does nothing for our own path. We can follow our husbands and children on their paths and we often do. But what of our own path, what of our purpose for being here? Was it really to follow our kids and mates around? Do you know that they will follow their paths with you or without you? Sure they appreciate you making it easier for them, but if it were not you, they could still manage or would find someone else to do it. And following your path is really something you do for yourself and you do alone. It is the path to home, to peace, to fulfillment. Many women seek fulfillment in helping their families but there is only a small amount of fulfillment there and as we get older and see our own path being neglected we become less and less fulfilled.

So you have to decide for yourself if you are ready to walk your own path. And it doesn't mean not being there for your family but rather taking steps to walk your own path. This course will lead you to that path. And as you study and practice, your path will become lit and you will know it. If you are meant to be a healer you will see the the way to do that. If you are meant to practice Traditional Shamanism you will be led to do that. The purpose of your life will become clear and then it will be your decision to walk that path or slink back onto the path of someone else. Some students are not ready to walk their own path. But at least in this ongoing, online course I offer to anyone willing to look, they see their path clearly and can make that decision deliberately. Some students have never seen their path and when they find it they embrace it wholeheartedly and become healers, happy, whole and fulfilled.

Shaman Elder Maggie
For more Information go to

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 22 – You are Perfect Just the Way You Are.

I have had the honor to sit at the feet of many of the worlds greatest teachers and one time I asked Lama Zopa Rinpoche, “ What is our main problem?” The lama answered, “It is that we think, "I am the worst person in the world. I am full of hatred, desire, and ignorance." These concepts are totally negative, and you have been carrying around this self pitying view all your life. Cry, cry, Fear, Fear, emotion, emotion. Obsessed with your own shortcomings, you put tremendous pressure on yourself. You punish yourself by regarding yourself as ugly and worthless. Other people may think you are beautiful, but still  you project yourself as ugly.”

“Right now just stop whatever you are doing and visualize a beautiful blue light, which is like clear blue sky all around you. See yourself just being in this clear blue sky color with nothing else but the color blue around you. As you just experience this beautiful blue light notice how your dualistic thoughts start to break down. You no longer believe in those self deprecating dualities. They no longer exist, really. This radiant blue light helps us to touch reality, which is the most important thing in the world. This is no longer an fantasy world of projections and self deprecating thoughts and judgments. This place you are experiencing in this sky blue light is inner and outer reality. There is no self judgment in this place. Can you feel it? See yourself as a being of sky blue. You are perfect just as you are. You only need to realize it. “

Lama Zopa knows this truth and we need to know it too so that we can experience our own natural perfection.

Shaman Elder Maggie

Why not take the correspondence course called Shaman Apprenticeship 101 about the teachings traditional shamanism. Its only $135 and you get 18 weeks of lessons and unlimited mentorship by Shaman Elder Maggie, One on One! You can start today at

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 21: Some People Do Not Want to Be Healed

 As a Shaman I have learned through my own experience that there are many people who do not choose to heal. It is their free will choice and it is not for me to offer healing to those who do not want healing.

 I heard this story about a lady who had been crippled for many years. She had spent thousands of dollars for medical tests and procedures. Nothing worked. Then she spent many years asking every kind of alternative healer to come to her house and heal her. Hundreds of healers came at her expense to offer their healing skills to her. She would sit with them and talk to them and allow them to ply their skills and none of them could heal her.

The truth was that this woman did not want to be healed. It was her dis-ease itself which provided a handy vehicle for her to meet all these interesting and spiritual people who came to visit her. She enjoyed meeting these people, getting their attention and care and sympathy. Why would she want to give that up? There was no reason for her to accept a healing and lose all this attention. Not everyone wants to be healed.

Sometimes people gain more in their suffering than they think they would have if they were healed, just like this lady. This is important to remember. I will tell you that even Jesus walked away from those that would not hear him. Even Jesus refused to try to heal people that did not want healing.
Shaman Elder Maggie
To read more or take my online course and receive unlimited correspondence with me:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 20: Your Beliefs Are Not My Beliefs

I believe what I believe. I believe many things. These beliefs started when I was born. First, my parents gave me beliefs. Don't sleep in your clothes, stay clean, don't crawl out your bedroom window or we will kick your butt. And as I got a bit older they started using fear beliefs so they could control me. If I don't clean my room I will be punished. If I don't do my homework I will not be able to watch TV. So on. And then school gave me beliefs. You must go to school. You must go through 12 grades. And fear beliefs became more prevalent for me. I must get good grades or I will be held back. I must be quiet or I will be sent to the principal's office. I must not pass notes or I will get detention. By the time I finished school almost all my beliefs were given to me by parents, school and religion. Give your money to the church or go to hell. You are a sinful ingrate. But at the same time, we begin to wonder what we really believe. It’s a natural thing to challenge beliefs given to us by others. 

Then I got a job. And more beliefs were given to me, very much based on fear. I can't be late or I will lose my job. And culture and government and society gave me fear beliefs as well. Pay your taxes or you will go to jail. Get a car. Get insurance. Get more bills. Pay your bills or go to jail. Wow! Getting a bit overwhelming here! And now you have the picture of Joe America!A whole bunch of beliefs given by other people that are making Joe feel terrible and he isn't even taking the time to look at what he believes and to see if those beliefs are even working for him! 

Many sages throughout history have told us that what we believe creates our reality. If we believe that elevators are dangerous, we cannot ride in an elevator. If we believe that we are less than wonderful, then we are less than wonderful. If we believe that old religious belief that we are going to hell, then we are going to hell. We create our reality with what we believe. And if you look at how people live you can actually sometimes see what they believe. Take the homeless person on the street. Look at their reality. They may honestly believe they cannot have a home. And so they don't. You can stop here and think of other examples.
Now each person has their own set of beliefs. And they base their judgments on their beliefs. But that has nothing to do with your belief system. 

It is a little microcosm, a person’s beliefs create his or her reality, create his or her judgments, create his or her choices based on beliefs. 

Well, that homeless person may be convinced that he cannot have a home but I am not convinced of that. So his belief system does not work for me. And that's OK. That's called the right to choose, free will choice. Even if it is messed up, it is still his free will choice. But what if he told me that I cannot have a home because he believes he can't have a home so no one should have a home. How valid is that judgment for me? Not very valid at all. I don't believe what he believes. And how valid is any judgment he makes about me? Not very valid at all, as he is judging from his own belief system, not mine. And how valid is my judgment of him? Not very valid at all, because I would be judging him based on my beliefs which may or may not be his. So what is the point of judging someone else? There is none. And what is the point of being affected by someone else's judgment of you? None. It is not based on what you believe so it has little to no bearing on you. So relax! 

Understand that people walk around within their own microcosm; their own belief system, their own reality. We are like a million unique snowflakes. The good thing is that you can change your reality by changing what you believe.
I can help you eliminate negative beliefs and end the struggle in your life if you want.  I have been doing this work for over 40 years. Just email me at
Shaman Elder Maggie

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 19: The Old Horse Doctor

Traditional Shamanism is a way of life, a way of living, a calling, an occupation much like a doctor. Remember the old horse doctor who had nothing more than his little black bag who went from house to house on the back of his horse bringing healing to the community? He was on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week. He was called upon to heal all kinds of things from chicken pox, to difficult childbirth to cancer to broken bones and everything he had to heal with was in that little black bag. This is the life of the Traditional Shaman. The Traditional Shaman is available to everyone everywhere she goes, she is always healing, always counseling, living her life as an example to others to show the way to live in peace and health. She carries her medicine bag with a few leaves and stones and feathers and in that bag she has everything she needs to heal broken hearts, help cancer victims, heal chicken pox, whatever kind of healing she is called upon to bring. The healing is not in the black bag anyway, is it! Those are just the tools. The healing is in the heart and mind of the doctor.
Would you like to learn this kind of traditional Shamanic Medicine? The Shaman Apprenticeship 101 Course teaches 20 tools and skills you can use to heal yourself and others. You can start this course today at
Shaman Elder Maggie

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 18: How to Use Emotional Energy

Fear is an emotion you know. Emotions are sensory devices to give us input about outside things, just like eyes give us input and ears and noses. We take in all this input and use it to gain knowledge and make good decisions. But we don't necessarily make decisions just based on one kind of sensory input. That would be like: oh, it is dark so I cannot see. But if you wait a moment you can see the stars that you would not have seen if you had just gone with your sensory input that it is dark. We use our sensory input along with our thoughts and memories and knowledge gained.
Our senses do not control us. They are just antennas, feelers. Fear should not control us. it is just a sensation. Weigh it out against other input you have, what you know, and use it as the antenna it is, not the final decision maker in your life!
Emotions do have another purpose. They are the gas behind our intentions. Let’s take an example. Let’s say a man wants to get a job that is being offered to manage a restaurant. He knows he is a good manager and has experience and can do this job. But there is another offer to drive a cab that he has been given. He knows he should manage the restaurant as that is his career. But driving the cab seems so easy.
So he goes to the interview for the restaurant job. Then he goes to the interview for the cab driving job. He fails the restaurant interview and passes the cab driver interview and ends up with something that does not really work for him financially or career wise and that in the end was a poor decision on his part. But what happened?
At the restaurant job he was polite and knowledgeable, answered all their questions and was checking out the restaurant for cleanliness and asking about time off and hours. At the cab driver interview he was animated, excited, interested in this new field  of endeavor, absorbed in learning how to do this job. If he had shown as much enthusiasm at the restaurant interview he would have gotten that job. See how his emotions played for his intent. He had made up his mind that he wanted the cab job. He displayed emotionally his desire with enthusiasm and gusto at the interview and got the job.
It is OK to look at things like this. It is not about judgment but rather introspection, why did I do what I did. What was my motive, what was I intending, what do I want to intend, how do I feel about that intention, how can I express what I feel about my intention. Questions I ask myself all the time. This practice keeps me in tune with what I am trying to do and keeps me doing it the best way I can. Back to being impeccable: If you can't be impeccable with yourself, who can you be impeccable with.
Shaman Elder Maggie
Want more? Visit

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 17: The Hunter in the Forest

Here is a truth for you to consider. When you finally see your mission on this earth and you decide to stand up and do it, to shine your light, there will always be those who hate the Light and who will try to put it out. Guaranteed.

I teach you Traditional Shamanism using the allegory of the hunter in the forest. He knows his skills, he uses his power, his awareness, his balance, his good aim, his heightened senses, his patience, his knowledge of game, all his skills to achieve his mission which is to feed his people. And he knows that there is danger in the forest. He knows that if he does not remain aware and balanced he could fall out of the tree and be killed by a bear or moose. The danger is there for all of us. But it is not so dangerous that a skilled and practiced hunter should withhold food from his people because he is afraid of the bear!

The bear is as natural to the forest as the hunter. They both belong in the forest and they both are a danger to each other. Everything has danger. It is dangerous to breathe, all the pollution in the air but more dangerous not to breathe, methinks! LOL!

You saw your mission and agreed to it before you ever set foot on this planet. You saw that you would have all the abilities and tools and opportunities to accomplish this mission. In fact you saw that if you just be impeccable as a human being you have already accomplished this mission, fete accompli! So being born into this mission is like being put into a tree stand in the forest. Be impeccable and you will not fail. Do not fear.
Please ask me anything. I offer free counseling to anyone by email to
Or take the course I offer at You can start today!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 16: Detours

I have had my share of detours.
Sometimes we get "tested". We get asked by Spirit to make a choice. We find ourselves in a very uncomfortable place we do not like and we have to make some choice. Often we do not even know what the choices are! But I have learned that when you commit yourself to a certain path, every now and then along the way you meet a path crossing yours, a detour, a sidetrack, a u turn, and we all reach these places. If you are not committed fully to your path, then you run into conflict when you encounter these places. You start to feel unwell, dragged down, unsure, restless, unhappy because you are being asked to once again confirm your commitment. You may have already found your path as a healer. You understand the power and the holiness of this path. And then you met a crossroads and you faltered, you hesitated, but now you have chosen your path as a healer once again and are practicing and the crossroads is over and you can continue to walk stronger than before!

It is painful only when we do hesitate, only when we are not sure about what we believe. One's own unsureness about one's healing path caused this offer of a crossroads. We actually place these u turns in front of our own selves. So by believing strongly in whatever you believe and being committed to whatever you believe you will not see too many u turns or sidetracks in your life. And when you do see them you will recognize them as sidetracks and u turns and just ignore them or better yet realize that you are trying to fool yourself. How do we fool ourselves? We say we do not have time for our healing gifts. We say they don't really work. We say we can't do it. We say we are too lazy to do it. But the truth is your healing gifts do work and you know it. Everyone has healing gifts and skills. You do have time for your healing path every day all day long, It does not interfere with time for other things. You will have to judge yourself to see if other reasons have come up and if they are true or not. It is all about being true to yourself, being authentic.
Aho ( Yaqui language meaning “I speak my truth”)
Shaman Elder Maggie to read more.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 15: Death

I have learned:
Impeccability means doing your best in every way and every day. Impeccability doesn’t mean being perfect, it means working to the best of your ability. An old Yaqui shaman who was my teacher in Mexico taught me that death walks on our left side all the time, close enough to reach out and touch us at any moment. He taught me this not to scare me, but to point out that we don't know how long we have here. We may not have years to find our mission and walk our path. We need to live each day as though it is our last. We need to hug our parents as though we may never hug them again. We need to leave our rooms as clean as we would want them if the mortician was the next one to come in to it. We want to smell the flowers like we may never smell them again. I want to leave my house clean each day in case I never come back here. I keep around me what I need. I don't keep a lot of stuff I don't need. I treat each person I encounter as though I am looking at their spirit and not their body. I salute and honor their higher self even if they are not. Everything I do this day is done with impeccability. I do my very best at mowing the lawn, taking the dog for a walk, grocery shopping, talking to people, studying my spiritual reading, even sleeping impeccably, in other words getting enough rest. I also play and laugh and express joy as though it is the last day I will get this chance to do so. My life is very much joy filled!

When you start living your life impeccably, the very best you can, and you realize that you have no time to waste, and you become aware and balanced so you can reach the higher state of the causal body, and you start dialoguing with your guides and teachers, then Wow! Life suddenly is not the thing you are living right now! Your path becomes known to you. Your purpose becomes clear, You start to walk your path and things just blossom along the way and gifts and real world opportunities are given to you and your efforts are rewarded one hundred fold and you know you have purpose and you receive thanks and money and joy and peace and that inner happiness. My goodness it is all worth it!

This is what I teach in my course, exactly. I teach this because no one else is. I teach this because it is the universal way of the Shaman. I teach these universal truths that all Shamans from all cultures and all times throughout history have known and have practiced in their own lives. This is not some secret recipe! It is just that humans concentrate on being a member of the status quo. And the status quo today is about getting a job, finding a mate and having babies. Not much of a mission is it! And it is indeed not a mission at all. Just the way the status quo live. It is a physical existence and that is all.

The traditional Shaman is all about living in the 100%. I can show you how.
Shaman Elder Maggie to find out more about the course I teach. You can  begin today!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 14 My Shaman Grandmother

I come from a long lineage in this lifetime as my grandmother immigrated to America from her Ukrainian clan to evade persecution as a young girl. Imagine her mother and father trying to scrape up the money needed to buy her a ticket on an ocean liner ( in the lowest part of the boat) so they could send her away to a place they had never been and never see her again. That is how much they loved their daughter. That is how badly my people were being persecuted. Imagine this young girl spending 4 weeks huddled with sick strangers going somewhere she knew nothing about. She clung to her knowledge and heritage of traditional Shamanism. It became hugely important to her life and to her well being. Even there on the ship she used her skills to bring healing to the other passengers who spoke many foreign languages and came from many other countries.
I watched my Grandmother practice traditional shamanism all my life. I heard the knock on the door from those who needed her help and the freshly prepared meal that would come with it. My grandmother always gave her healing away. She never charged anyone and would only graciously accept whatever offerings grateful patients would donate. She was not rich but she was never left in need.
She always was laughing. Everything was such a joy to her and her grandchildren were her precious jewels. She would spend hours twirling my long hair into beautiful curls. As she twined her hands through my locks she would tell me the stories, the metaphors that were the key to understanding the ways of the Shaman. She taught me traditional Shamanism as I practice it and teach it today.
Later she would let me observe her work with her clients and help her in preparation. I watched her keen sense of observation as she would look at a person not just with physical eyes but with her "other" eyes that could see beyond the words being spoken into the heart of the truth. I remember listening to the plights of her patients and watching my grandmother take a totally different kind of healing path that seemed unrelated to what the patient said. My grandmother explained to me that what we think we want on the outside may be a long way from what our spirit needs.
Later as I studied with my friends who are Native Americans I learned that the totem animals of the medicine wheel also show a hidden spiritual quest behind the conscious wish. In my studies I found many things that my grandmother taught me were actually identical to the Shamanic practices of other cultures throughout time. The Celtic Shaman, The Native American Medicine, the Gypsy Shaman, the Inuit Shaman, the Japanese Shaman, the Incan Shaman all have the same core truths! I find that amazing considering the separation of time and distance.
My grandmother put my feet firmly on the path of Traditional Shamanism and I have spent the last 50 plus years studying and teaching this path. I have travelled around the world and sat at the feet of some of the most important Shamanic healers of our day. I have learned that nothing is ours without knowledge, intent and emotional control. This is what I teach. This is what my Shaman Grandmother taught me. She was a wise and incredibly loving woman. And I think the most precious thing she taught me was where love fits into Shamanism. Love is the key to Shamanic healing in any culture.
You are welcome to take the online course that I offer.
 Just go to  to read about it and to start today.
Shaman Elder Maggie